. Money is not everything money buys every thing 
Money is for use not people for  abuse 
  And steal my stuff and  my right to be myself I cant act like myself I have. Behave and humble myself  when my shit is missed 

 I clothed enough people and hateful woman that didn’t show up to my surprise party on my birthday 
 Only my own blue tooth speaker did 
 Thanks D that enough for me to move forward 

How can the world be so damned is it because I’m Afghani ? I have more resin to pretentious . I do not ask for shit ever 

I still have my son he needs a good world to grow up It’s not people that awfull, it must be me doing all the back stabbing ,toe stepping , over rice orders. 
 What’s with being embarrassed for the person taking my shit . Why am I ? 
   And useing my detox wax to to wax there hair on the face   I found tweezers that are shaped like scissors. My mom would l
Not let her go up stairs with out me.  No way would anyone break in to house to use my wax and leave weird tweezers that ard not mine . Itd pretentious but it’s my shit tho 


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