
Showing posts with the label intro to a song

You can't see me..

the blind stares of millon pairs eyes looking hard ..but.dont relize they will never cant see me..

I lost a long ass rap / spoken word poem

First off im the woman   the swerl Second dirty Piss test is a Pis s  test faile d And third  N.E.R.D Still spells nerd For those who fallow Star treck could connect The dots on your head and wipe that look off face dont wast my time stay out my space fuck all that you sayin u are not payin me to stay ... unperdictable like the weither bitch you. killed the vibe the room ur a buzz kill on the loose you judgmentel drunk so ima quit doing drugs thanks for the love bring that up and by the way u fucking suck u need people to tell you are awesome and cuzz you fuckin' suck u think u are cool but  u will always fuckin' suck .. and can u stop and think about what u are complaing about today and why .. cought in a thunder storm chasing the rain   the fuckin'rain.  the lighting gold cash-flow playing some flashy ass role in a play Spitin trashy liricks  that shit sound like a joke looking hella fake i m here raping on a post just