makaveli once said . .he has blue prints to money maken two people rapp a battle one got knocked off the horse and sattle then stole her stacks of rapps on rapp and and steeez Bit he not off more than he can chew According to your peer the latest news , this here My own poetic habbit isn't a known a atraction thats use to hoe around the corner for more popular growth among foreigners . poor habbit are easy to build \not to be confused with poor people , who are easily guilted in to Something they don't want to do ..,.....but have to in order to survive ..,doing what you gotta do Chooseing prostatutetion over another soultion of getting used .slaving a way full workday for little pay and even less respect because of her age another female gave in today ..she was dismissed/demoted and disposed/denoted Over exposed/shoat all thos emotion Cry a ocean for redemption rebirth of slick rick, revenue .retrieved ..repeat recless retuned reverse record read rhymes real