Flex capacitor

 Airport port routing ? Apple Airport ? It is a device that is no longer available but the purpose of the device was to creat a WiFi signal  that you can connect all you blue tooth devices can be integrated . So I had all my speakers connected to my Apple airport and got to listen to my music thro out my home on my even thro my dell Laptop that had cheap computer speakers connected to it . My ex boyfriend back then had connected to my airport one day when we was chilling in the garage and I was trying to figure out the point of the airport  beside creating empty signal WiFi I connected my blue tooth devices. . I think I may have gotten x bf’s contacts and he may have gotten mine too somehow out Apple IDs intergraded .  Looking back I thought it was my dell lap top that had opened up a setting on the airport that gave me a option to go wireless for the batter life . Apparently I was able to go Bluetooth in put to charge and Bluetooth out put to play music .. I thought I had found some great invention. I was so excited about it my iPad that had not charged in days was full charged to a 100 %  But now thinking  my ex bf who i renamed nameless because he is not cool .. 

He never charged his phone and he never carried the charger like fucking looser . He could have been some super secret Asian man like a real 007 with privileges and I got to use one of his privileges.  2Days after I discovered that wireless  charging.  Starbucks had come out with wireless charger pads that require a circle shape battery that they sold at Starbucks .  That came out for like a day and they took it off the shelf’s the charging pads and circle shape battery’s . I know so much about this because it was at one Starbucks but far from where I dropped off  my ex  one day. He was suppose to sell a eighth of my weed to his dad for 30 bucks to give me gas money to get back over the bay bridge and back home safely. But instead he took my weed and went inside his appartment and came out with a piece of chicken . Said he lost the weed I gave him , he did not give me any money for my and I think  he stole the iPad mini that had charged ..on it own . I left hella mad and dehydrated so driving the wrong directions took the long way to the bay bridge I stopped at the Starbucks for a free cup of ice water and I saw these green circle batteries at the Starbucks by the register like next to the Madelines and mints in a basket I asked how much they were and she gave me one and said those are not suppose to be out because the wireless charging was not real . But I said I will take one for a revolutionary Souvenir


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