
Showing posts from December, 2019

Is zThod

Is what the resin Why I won I never competes under the influence over need and Reggies ass niggaz tripping on fc you got shot  Gun shots tight on your head . The wrong bitch crush on this poor kid got in thE head . I just want t You to feel the emotional emergency room size anger that hot and now  rrs ssr rrc rcc 
 . Money is not everything money buys every thing  Money is for use not people for  abuse    And steal my stuff and  my right to be myself I cant act like myself I have. Behave and humble myself  when my shit is missed   I clothed enough people and hateful woman that didn’t show up to my surprise party on my birthday   Only my own blue tooth speaker did   Thanks D that enough for me to move forward      How can the world be so damned is it because I’m Afghani ? I have more resin to pretentious . I do not ask for shit ever  I still have my son he needs a good world to grow up It’s not people that awfull, it must be me doing all the back stabbing ,toe stepping , over rice orders.   What’s with being embarrassed for the person taking my shit . Why am I ?     And useing my detox wax to to wax there hair on the face   I found tweezers that are sh...

Who owed this . It’s cursed .

Someone make fun of the people that go in to my room with out permission and just take my clothes and underwear and bras my shoes and mis matched my socks that were already matched  Like wtf?  I have lived here for 20 year and because I didn’t grow up  here  I’m worth shit ?   I grew up few miles down Doolittle on bay farm island not far at all   And I’ve been here in.    Ghost town 20 yeArs   I am ready to move off this planet.   Every friend I made  here in my neighborhood abused  my powers and was not friend more envious of me .   Even if they made more money than me .   They still take from me  .  why ?  Money is not everything money buys every thing  Money is for use not my things  abuse    I buy my stuff  if. you steal it out of my closets   Or home or dryer  you should pay for IT.   Full ...