Barbie doll measurements

  1. Barbie measurements are too perfect !

  2. Summarize article about Barbie measurements 

  3. Controversy with Barbie's i unrealistic measurement 

  4. Unrealistic measurements  could creat unrealistic goals 

  6. Barbie measurements are too perfect !

  7.  I think that the Barbie doll is too perfect and it has projected a perfect image that us as women grow in to we won't feel good enough if we are not up to Barbie doll's unrealistic standards.   So yes Barbie doll's measurements  are perfect  and almost impossible for it to be obtained on a natural society .

  8. Summarize article about Barbie measurements

  9. Barbie is supposed to be the perfect image of what is perfect like a cartoon and should be promoted as a cartoon  character not just a role model for young girls to look up to . It's ok to have a outlook on
  10. N perfect should be but also be open to yourself and children about self image can do to a person self esteem . It all has to do with just being healthy  and taking care of the body because we only get one for our whole life .So why would someoneor anyone  put down just one body . In order to improve self esteem useing so called t tough love , cutting  up confidence down in to pieces . I order to pick it  esteem back up
  11. Is a lot self thought worth . Value no matter the size of the body of the person is as long as one is 

  12. Unrealistic measurements  could creat unrealistic goals 

  13.  Yes that I would agree . I still think  Barbie is not a good role model to compared growing female body style . Some woman actually look like a Barbie doll . There are really pretty female that do look like dolls . , but to expect  Barbie doll standard image is not human and unkind to developing young girl and can creat low self esteemed come .


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